Scientific Publications

Below are some of my publications, with brief explanations:

  1. Pedro Henrique P. Braga, Steven Kembel, Pedro Peres-Neto (2024). Climatic rarity and commonness shape phylogenetic structure in tetrapod communities globally. Authorea. In review.

    Our global analysis shows that climatic rarity strongly influences the evolutionary diversity and structure within amphibian, bird, mammal, and reptile communities, underscoring climate frequency as a fundamental yet overlooked factor in shaping biodiversity and responses to climatic variation.

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  2. Pedro Henrique P. Braga, Steven Kembel, Pedro Peres-Neto (2023). Historical and contemporary processes drive global phylogenetic structure across geographical scales: Insights from bat communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 32 (5), 747-765.

    Our study demonstrates that the worldwide phylogenetic structure of bat assemblages is shaped by geographical extent, dispersal barriers, paleoclimatic stability, and in situ diversification.

    Peer-reviewed publication   PDF   Data and Code

  3. Pedro Henrique P. Braga, Katherine Hébert, Emma J. Hudgins, Eric R. Scott, Brandon P. M. Edwards, Luna L. Sánchez Reyes, Matthew J. Grainger, Vivienne Foroughirad, Friederike Hillemann, Allison D. Binley, Cole B. Brookson, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor, Saeed Shafiei Sabet, Ali Güncan, Helen Weierbach, Dylan G. E. Gomes, Lella Crystal (2023). Not just for programmers: How GitHub can accelerate collaborative and reproducible research in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14 (6), 1364-1380.

    We present twelve practical strategies for using GitHub to enhance collaboration, reproducibility, and efficiency in ecology and evolution research, encouraging its wider adoption for more transparent and effective scientific workflows. We also highlight features that could be improved and tailoured for research development.

    Peer-reviewed publication   Preprint   PDF   Code

  4. Gabriel Khattar, Stephanie Vaz, Pedro Henrique P. Braga, Margarete Macedo, Luiz Felipe L. da Silveira (2022). Life history traits modulate the influence of environmental stressors on biodiversity: The case of fireflies, climate and artificial light at night. Diversity and Distributions. 28, 1820–1831.

    We show that climate and artificial light at night together shape firefly communities through life history traits and courtship signals, revealing their vulnerability to compositional shifts under escalating environmental stress, even within protected areas.

    Peer-reviewed publication   PDF   Data and Code

  5. Bertrand Fournier, Héctor Vázquez‐Rivera, Sylvie Clappe, Louis Donelle, Pedro Henrique P. Braga, Pedro Peres‐Neto (2020). The spatial frequency of climatic conditions affects niche composition and functional diversity of species assemblages: the case of Angiosperms. Ecology Letters. 23 (2), 254-264.

    We reveal that rare climatic conditions favor generalist angiosperm species and yield higher functional diversity in North American communities, highlighting the role of climate frequency in shaping ecological communities.

    Peer-reviewed publication   PDF   Data and Code

  6. Franciele P. Peixoto, Pedro Henrique P. Braga, Poliana Mendes (2018). A synthesis of ecological and evolutionary determinants of bat diversity across spatial scales. BMC Ecology. 18 (1), 18.

    Our review shows that bats’ unique flight, dispersal, and functional traits shape their diversity across multiple scales. However, research gaps—especially at the landscape and metacommunity levels—highlight the need for integrative, multi-scale approaches to better understand bats’ ecological and evolutionary patterns.

    Peer-reviewed publication   PDF

  7. Franciele P. Peixoto, Pedro Henrique P. Braga, Marcus V. Cianciaruso, José Alexandre F. Diniz‐Filho, Daniel Brito (2014). Global patterns of phylogenetic beta diversity components in bats. Journal of Biogeography. 41, 762-772.

    We demonstrate that bats exhibit strong east–west hemisphere phylogenetic differentiation primarily driven by lineage turnover. Their high dispersal ability generally reduces turnover between adjacent regions, unless environmental barriers impose distinct phylogenetic filtering.

    Peer-reviewed publication   PDF  


Ph.D. in Biology, 2016 to 2024, Graduation during Spring 2025,
Concordia University, Montréal, CAN

Thesis: Climatic drivers of biodiversity: influence on ecophylogenetics and specialization across spatial scales
Doctoral Committee: Pedro Peres-Neto (supervisor), Steven Kembel (supervisor), Jean-Philippe Lessard & Dylan Fraser

M.Sc. in Ecology and Evolution, 2012 to 2014
Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, BRA

Thesis: Niche evolution and diversification patterns in Neotropical anurans
Supervisors: Natan Medeiros Maciel & Paulo De Marco Júnior

B.Sc. in Biological Sciences, 2008 to 2012
Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, BRA

Honours Thesis: Adaptive climatic niche evolution in bufonid frogs
Supervisors: Natan Medeiros Maciel & Paulo De Marco Júnior


I have formal training in active learning strategies (most recently from SALTISE at Dawson College and Concordia University), and have assisted in the teaching of undergraduate-level courses, and developed and instructed graduate-level workshops. Below are some highlights:

Assisted Teaching

  • Biostatistics (BIOL322, both in English and in French), in 2023 and 2018, at Concordia University.
  • Introduction to Biology (BIOL201), in 2022, at Concordia University.
  • Fundamentals of Nutrition (BIOL203), in 2018, at Concordia University.
  • Séminaire en écologie et analyses des données (BIO3500, in French), in 2016, at Université du Québec à Montréal.
  • Biostatística (in Portuguese), in 2012, at Universidade Federal de Goiás.

Workshop Instruction and Development

Since 2016, I have regularly contributed to the QCBS R Workshop Series, both remotely and in-person at Concordia University, McGill University, and Université du Québec à Montréal. Across multiple sessions, I developed and delivered workshops on:

  • Loading and manipulating data in R
  • Introduction to data visualization in R
  • Programming in R
  • Linear and generalized linear (mixed) models
  • Multivariate and advanced multivariate analyses


Here are some workshops I developed and instructed, many with friends. They are all available online, and you can check them out by clicking on the buttons below.

Introduction to GitHub and GitHub Actions

Pedro Henrique P. Braga & Katherine Hébert

An overview and discussion on how GitHub, a common platform for version control and collaboration, can help to manage collaborations dynamically, with transparency and traceability.

See more Slides

Dynamic Collaboration with GitHub and GitHub Actions

Pedro Henrique P. Braga & Katherine Hébert

A discussion and exercises on how to manage collaborations dynamically using GitHub's Issues and Pull-Requests, Organisations, Discussions, Insights, and Actions.

See more Tutorial

Linking community ecology and evolutionary biology to your programming skills

Pedro Henrique P. Braga & Katherine Hébert

A quick dive into the various approaches used in community phylogenetics to detect evolutionary patterns in the assembly of ecological communities.

See more Tutorial

Phylogenetic Comparative Methods using R

Pedro Henrique P. Braga

I developed this workshop to help researchers cover some of the families of phylogenetic comparative analyses of trait evolution and correlation, diversification rates, as well as community structure.

See more Tutorial

Predicting species geographical distributions using R

Pedro Henrique P. Braga & Julia Nordlund

An introduction to fundamental concepts underpinning species distribution models, describing some of the most prominent methods currently in use, and discussing the strengths and limitations of these models for different applications.

See more Tutorial

A (very brief) introduction to (R)Markdown

Pedro Henrique P. Braga

A short presentation providing a background and an overview on how to use R Markdown to create dynamic documents, reports, and presentations.


Mini-workshop on Bayesian Analyses of Macroevolutionary Mixtures

Pedro Henrique P. Braga

An introductory overview of Bayesian methods used to analyze macroevolutionary mixtures, highlighting how to detect and model multiple evolutionary processes acting within phylogenies.



Here are some relevant highlights from my recent professional experience and community service.

Coordination of the QCBS R Workshop Series

From 2018 to 2022, I coordinated the Québec Centre of Biodiversity Science (QCBS) R Workshop Series, an initiative that supports graduate students and early-career researchers in learning statistical methods for research in ecology, evolution, and biodiversity.

Along with developing and delivering workshops, I managed logistics, budgeting, and instructor and coordinator recruitment. I also co-organized bilingual workshop series and symposia, reaching over 700 unique participants from academia, government, and industry.

Image by Katherine Hébert.
Image by Katherine Hébert.

Service & Volunteering

I have served as a graduate student representative for the QCBS at Concordia University. I have also served as student representative for the Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution, and for the Undergraduate Student Association for Biological Sciences, both during my period at the Federal University of Goiás.

I have also organized and volunteered at multiple conferences and events, including the QCBS Symposia, QCBS R Symposia, QCBS Research Derby, the Conferences from the Institute of Biological Sciences (Federal University of Goiás), and the United Nations COP15 Convention on Biological Diversity.

Peer Review

I acted as a peer reviewer for PCI Ecology, Zoology (2), Journal of Biogeography, Marine Biology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Diversity & Distributions, and Ecography.

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