Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga
Ph.D. candidate in Biology
Concordia University
Loyola Campus, SP Building
Office: SP 301.11
7141 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H4B 1R6
ph.pereirabraga [at] gmail [dot] com
This website is under construction.
A complete bilingual version should be ready by the end of March 2021.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have comments or suggestions!
I am an evolutionary ecologist and a biogeographer.
I apply computational and mathematical tools along with information on the evolutionary history of species and their ecological attributes to understand general processes and mechanisms that generate biodiversity patterns. In my research, I stress the importance of phylogenetic and spatial scales and historical components of ecological and evolutionary drivers.
I practice and promote open and reproducible science. I am also dedicated towards the integration of evidence-based active learning strategies in my teaching and scientific communication abilities.
I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Biology under the supervision of Pedro Peres-Neto (Concordia University) and Steven Kembel (Université du Québec à Montréal), at the Université Concordia (Montréal, Canada). During both my Master and Bachelor degrees, I was part of the Theoretical, Metacommunity and Landscape Laboratory (Federal University of Goiás, Goiânia, Brazil), supervised by Natan Medeiros Maciel and Paulo De Marco Júnior.
You can visit my current projects here!
Get in touch if you would like to communicate!